So, here it is... Rhonda's Amazing Anniversary Giveaway. This giveaway actually has a lot of things all rolled up into one. I decided to do the giveaway on my wedding anniversary so Happy 7Th Anniversary to my amazing husband and I!
This giveaway began because of my bad habit of buying something, just to find out I have already purchased it. Below is a fantastic example. Instead of returning the items, I decided to gift them to someone else. Therefore, I will have two winners. We will say that there is one winner for each of my beautiful daughters on my amazing anniversary.
Here is what each winner will get.... things that I have two of. I've done it before, and unfortunately with the way my brain works, I am sure I will do it again.
Winner number one will receive the above items: A copy of one of the many publications by Somerset, many of which are my favs including the newest Artful Blogging magazine. Winner one will also receive this unmounted stamp set, and a mounted hydrangea flower rubber stamp... because why on earth do I need two of these?
Winner number two will receive another favorite, Somerset Home, as well this unmounted stamp set and mounted stamp.
Okay, so I will now admit, there is a catch and I am going to be totally honest with you. You must do two things to sign up for my swap but three are appreciated:
1.) You must sign up for my giveaway by leaving a comment on this post, just so I know you would like to participate.
2.) You have to click on the following site and then click one more time to help fund free breast mammograms. Seriously, just two clicks and sponsors donate. It is not required, but you can shop a little too to have even more donated to the cause.
Fund Free Mammograms! TheBreastCancerSite.com
I will just have to trust that you have done the second part. I want this giveaway to be a great treat for two lucky winners, but also do a little good in this great big world of ours.
As many of you know, my mother is currently fighting breast cancer, and she WILL win this battle. Prayers for her are appreciated. She only found out that she had breast cancer BECAUSE OF EARLY DETECTION. She has a mammogram every year. Last years mammogram was just fine, this years mammogram brought breast cancer. She could not feel it through a self breast exam (which I hope you all are doing). They only found it through her mammogram. I had my first one this year at the age of 39 - AND IT WAS NO BIGGY AT ALL!
3.) This one is only if you choose to do so, and where my brutal honesty comes in. I would LOVE it if you would post my above giveaway button on your blog, if you have one. It's great to spread the word and give others a chance to win a giveaway. But I also want more people to read about "A Card A Day For Lynn" which is to help my mom through her radiation treatments. Just little happy thoughts in her mailbox every now and then.
So, there you have all of the juicy and truthful details about my giveaway. You have until midnight (eastern) on September 28Th, to sign up and two lucky winners will be announced on my anniversary, September 29Th.
I am excited about this giveaway and making some lucky person's day. When I can make someone smile, it makes me smile. Good luck, and thank you so much for visiting!
Sign me up for that great give away! Congrats on your anniversary too! :) Jen R
Please sign me up - of course - for your giveaway Rhonda !!
I would love to win one of those magazines - since we don`t have them here !!
I`ll do all that you ask to help out - you know i will .
I have a digital collage sheet just put on my blog - see if you want to help out -
let me know
ooh yes sign me up actually just popping in to tell you i posted your wonderful swap on my blog and now off to put a plug in for you too my new and lovely friend.
Give my love to Lynn
Happy Anniversary my beauty...and here is to many, many future years of happiness for you and husband and your adorable family.
You know doing #2 is never a problem and I think more people do it than you realize -- we are women, we care and we band together which is one of the things that makes us such amazing creatures.
As for buying something twice...^5 -- can I tell you how many times I do that?!?! :)
Consider it done sweetie! I just posted a link on my other blog.
:) Abbie
Rhonda what a wonderful giveaway!!! I will be sure to post about it and I wish you many more happy years with your husband and also for your mom's complete healing....xxoo, Dawn
What a fantastic thoughtful giveaway.
I'm just composing a post on my blog about it!
Victoria x
Please sign me up! The29th is my birthday. Winning would be a nice present. I am a breast cancer survivor of 16 years--the best present of all. undertheivycottage@yahoo.com
I would love to win your giveaway! I clicked on the sponsor link and saw Bare Necessities is one of the sponsors. Great store! They carry bras in hard-to-find sizes.
I pray that your mom conquers this fight! One of my dearest friends was diagnosed with breast cancer, and unfortunately she's too sick for radiation or surgery. She's fighting it, though, and is my inspiration!
I love your giveaways. But I really love the card a day for your mom! I sent you an email to send my the address so I can send her a card.
I'm going to post about this on my blog for you too!
I also did the click for the free mamograme and I have had mine this year already. Like you said, they are no big deal!
God bless you and your family. You will all be in my prayers.
All done! I loved my recent order from you...the packaging was wonderful!
I not only want to be entered into your lovely contest - I wanted to let you know that I am a 12 year Stage 3 double mastectomy cancer SURVIVOR - it CAN be done. I would like to say to you & your Mom to stand tall, breathe in good health, blessings and love and breathe out sickness, darkness and fear. Please feel free to contact me at any time and maybe I can listen, comment, or just be a sounding wall.
Many many blessings to you & yours!
Would love to be part of this giveaway...Particularly because it also supports Woman everywhere who have had or known someone affected by this dreadful affliction...
Good on you for encouraging us all to support such a cause!
Wishing you and your husband a very happy wedding Anniversary .... and futures days of love and happiness together.
I often pop in to that web-site and do my clicking because it is such a great thing to help out with reducing
breast cancer.
Please can I be entered in your giveaway - that hydranga is beautiful
Hi again...
Sign me up, please!!!
I've done the 1st 2 and will do #3 as soon as I finish this comment.
I go to the site and click as my mother is a cancer survivor too! So please enter me and I have clicked. I'm having a give away too so I'll see if I can add your button to that post. I hope you stop by.
Congrats...please sign me up for your great giveaway. Thanks
I just love your blog! I've been exploring the blog and links for quite a while today!
Please enter me in your contest ;)
I would love to enter your giveaway and also want to say, I click on the breast cancer site everyday, it is the first think I do when I sign on to the net..
I am a 4 yr. Suvivor!
I was having yearly mammograms, but found the lump myself..
it changed my life but I feel like I live better now and feel so blessed.
I will praying for your Mother..
Early detection is really a life saver..
I heard about your blog from Dawn at The Feathered Nest. I would love to be entered in your giveaway, but more than that I would love to mention everything on my blog ~ so I did! I also "clicked" to help fund mammograms.
I see you're doing the "artsy autumn" swap...I am too. It's my first swap in blog land!
P.S. Happy Anniversary
Please sign me up for your draw. Happy Anniversary! I am very impressed with your blog!
Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. Boo~
I would be happy to add your button...I just had a blond moment and forgot to get another card our for your mom. I will do it tomorrow. You must come by and join my Etsy anniversary giveaway. I don't think I saw you there yet....
Sign me up sister...
I would love to be entered in your
give away. Happy Anniversary!
I just adore the bird stamps.
Also clicked on the breast cancer
site. My husband lost his mother
to breast cancer. The site is so
easy - hope every had their click
counted. Found your blog through
Dawn - I'll be back.
Happy Anniversary!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway. I am having one too, if you'd like to stop by my blog!
I'm so excited about your giveaway. I've never gotten to see "Artful Blogging" - can never find it! So sign me up, girlfriend. Also, I'm watching for your book next week. Hugs to you and your mom. Nancy
Please sign me up for this wonderful giveaway! How nice! I love your blog!
Happy Anniversary! What a fun giveaway. Ü
Happy Anniversary!
I do love magazines & haven't seen those ones before so would love to read one of them.
I have clicked on the donation site - I do it often but thanks for the reminder.
congratulations on your anniversary! :) we are celebrating our first in a week :) i have clicked and will continue to do so. please count me in for the giveaway, and stop by my blog on this coming Friday to participate in my anniversary giveaway :)
I would love to be entered in your giveaway. What great ones. Congrats on 7years. I will soon celebrate my 10th. I'm all about mamograms and self exams!!!! You go for spreading the word!!
Lovely post and great idea...congrats on your anniversary and may you have many more to come!
Best wishes to your mom and I will say a prayer for her.
Will also try to remember to link to your page.
Betzie xo
Happy Anniversary! Great way to let other know how important early detection is!
Sign me up for the giveaway please!
Okay Kiddo the first two were easy!! But a bit creativity is needed for the third one. Mexico is a long way to send a card from. If that was the only hurdle no problem, but often things especialy cute things don't always make it to the intended address. :c{ What do you think about an ecard?? Let me I'm game to try anything!! :c}
Pattie :c}
Mazatlan Mexico
I discovered your blog as Dawn (The Feathered Nest) posted your button.
I would love to be a part of your Anniversay celebration/give-away and will post your button on my blog. Thank you so much for having this! I will be away next week, but will get a card off to your Mom soon!
Happy Anniversary and Blessing to you!
Hi Again Rhonda!
Thanks for your kind note on my blog...I so appreciate it! Believe me, I don't know what I'm doing most of the time, just love the art these days because there aren't so many rules.
I would love to email you my address but don't know your email. LOL Sorry if it's somewhere staring at me in the face!
Happy anniversary. I would love to be entered in your giveaway, and I will be happy to click and click again. Best wishes for your Mom too.
Jean in Virginia
Happy Anniversary Rhonda!! I am an avid clicker at the Breast Cancer Site. I have a link to it on my blog too. It's a very important cause to me. So glad your mom had early detection!
Please enter me in your contest and I will definitely double click.
My mother lost both breasts to cancer and she has survived many, many years and still going strong.
happy anniversay!thanks for letting us all have a go at winning on your blog. i will do the double click for such a good cause
Hi Rhonda,
Happy Anniversary to you and you DH. Thanks for the chance for your give-a-way. You are not alone, many of us buy the same thing over and over again. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Happy Anniversary! And thank you for hosting this giveaway.
I will post a comment on my blog about your contest.
Your mother is in my prayers. My family has a history of breast cancer. We need a cure.
Nita Jo
Are you going to celebrate "The Seven Year Itch" in any special way in particular? Congratulations!
I clicked on the Free Donating button and then added it to my favorites so I can do it every day. All women should have access to breast health care.
I don't have a blog...*gasp*...too busy reading other peoples" !
I'll email you sbout the third thing~I would like to make a card for your Mom. We just visited my MIL at the Hospital today, and the card I made her brought a smile to her face and made her room look a little more colorful. So glad your Mom had early detection. That really helps!
Thank you for the chance to win one of these yummy Giveaways.
Happy 7th!Please enter me in your give-away! Thanks
How clever and kind of you to design a giveaway that doesn't make the participants feel a skant greedy. Now we can GIVE while harboring big HOPES of receiving your lovely offerings. Thank you! I would like to send your mom a card! - Amy Bauer
Wonderful giveaway Rhonda, I will be in England on the draw date so if I win maybe I will come home to something tee hee.
did you get my email about the playing cards BTW?
Also I will for sure go to the Breast Cancer Site, I have a linkie to them on my blog already, did you know you can click once a day?
Thanks again
I do the same thing and buy things twice! I thought I was the only one! Thanks for such a great giveaway! I'll put your tag on my blog and also click for breast cancer! Suzie
I am sory to hear about your mom and will be praying. On the other hand congrats on your blog anniverary. Thanks for what you are doing and the chance to play!
What a generous and clever way to find a home for your doubles! Double the pleasure! Thanks for entering e in your drawing.
Rhonda, what a great way for us all to help the cause. Congrats on the anniversary! What nice giveaways, please sign me up. Thanks, Peggy from PA
I'd love to be entered, but dont live in USA.
What a wonderful way to help cancer sufferers, just witha click, well two clicks!
Oh, what lovelies you are gifting! Congrats on your upcoming wedding anniversary. Our 32nd was Sept 3rd! I have clicked for the mamo, today again, a great idea to include this in your post! Cancer is a trial for many women ... but this form when caught early offers great chances for survival!!! No blog so I can't post, there! Thank you again for your generosity! ^o^ CM2
How fun! I just followed a link here from Dawn at The Feathered Nest. I clicked on the mammogram link and I listed your wonderful giveaway on my newest blog-- www.blogevents.blogspot.com
Cathy :)
Oh, Rhonda!!!! I'm here!!!! Sign me up!!! I'm off to the mammogram link, and I love the giveaway button!!!! It's gonna dress up my blog! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Woohoo!! All 3 completed!! Hope your mom gets her goodies soon!! Blessings to you Rhonda!!
Hugs & smiles,
What a lovely lady you are! I have been and done two clicks and will try to remember to go every day to 'click'. I have said a positive prayer for your Mum. Blessings to you all. Rachaelxo p.s. your blog is lovely, love your banner!
If I didn't say it before...let me say, Thank you for signing up for my special Birthday Tea Party. I look forward to having you participate.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Your mom will be in my prayers (I love her smile).
Happy days,
Please sign me up for the giveaway! You're so generous! I am praying for your mom. She is a brave woman & you will make it through this.
God Bless,
Okay did it, I just clicked on your link and have clicked a few times and have been counted.
Congratulations on your anniversary!!! Oh I so hope I'm not too late for your fabulicious give away! I love the stamps and the Somerset publications too, they are so hard to get here in Germany.
Best wishes from Boxwood Cottage sends you
P.S.: Fingers crossed for your mum, I hope she'll have a speedy recovery and send her positive thoughts over the big ocean!
What a wonderful thing to give away items you no longer need or have duplicates of. I found your blog through someone who had come to MY blog where I'm having 2 weeks of giveaways, they had put your button up on their blog. I did the clicking for breast cancer that you asked. I'm also adding your button to my site. I'm loving the blogging mag you're giving away as well as those bird stamps! Yum. Praying for our mom.
Just found your blog and your card-a-day via Collage Contessa and am interested in both the giveaway and sending a card for your mum. My MIL was also diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 and, though it certainly wasn't easy, went through chemo and surgery and is healthy today. I hope you and your mum will have your own survivor's tale to tell.
Best wishes...
I was given this link from Contessa Kris, and I came over. I clicked and clicked again!!
I would love to send your mom a piece of my art (if she would like one)..(She may not like it..LOL). Please go here:
http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5165794 and have her pick a piece out, then email me at suzanbuckner@hotmail.com with your address.
Tell her not to worry about the cost of the piece, etc. I really want to do this.
(I know how mom's are!!!)
Hugs--and prayers. Happy Anniversary!!
suzan buckner
Congratulations on your anniversary! Sending good thoughts your way!
count me in
What a wonderful idea, and you bet I will go support the cause to fight breast cancer! I wish only the best for your mom, and that all is well with her, and know that with a positive attitude, that she will heal so much faster.
Hello ~ I just went and clicked, and am now back to request you enter my name in your wonderful give-away.
What a nice thing to do! I lost my beloved grandmother to breast cancer, and my sister is a happy survivor due to early detection. I'll be clicking!
Congrats on your anniversary! I found you through Sherry at Esprit D'art; what a nice giveaway! I will definitely be doing that "second" click. :)
Is everything OK?...no winner announced yet, so I was wondering. Still praying for your mom!
Hello!! Is everything ok? I am just writing to ask if your mom got her package. I sent it out last week.
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