The above image came from one of my mother's scrapbooks that she created when she and my father were very young. I have spent so many hours flipping through the pages, and I always loved the creative way she cut their bodies out to place them onto other images. Must be why I love to create altered art, and it is a love my mom and I share together to this day. We love to go out shopping to find old items that can be made into new ones or can be used in our artwork.
As many of you know, my mother has breast cancer. Yesterday was not a good day when we received the news that my mom will have to have seven weeks of radiation treatment (that is every single day for seven weeks, or 49 days) and will possibly have to have chemo as well. We were hoping for only one week of radiation, but the cancer was too close to the wall of her chest. You can imagine how upset she is and I ask that you will pray that she will make it through this with strength and as much ease as possible.
Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night and laid in bed with my mind racing for some time. I wanted to think of a way to bring my mom some cheer while going through this seven weeks of radiation. Then, I remembered Karla's Great Aunt Caroline's 100Th birthday last month, and the way she collected cards for her Aunt's celebration.
My mother loves to see all of the amazing art that I receive though swaps, or that I share with her that my many blogging friends have done. She just completed her first swap, The Itty Bitty Prom Dress Book with Mary Ann and is so excited to hold this book in her hands, see all of the contributing artists work and is so proud to be a contributor as well.
So, with these thoughts in mind, and the past events of Mary Ann and Karla, I was inspired to try to do the same thing for my mom. This is where you come in....
What I am asking is that you make a card, or tag, or whatever your heart desires. Nothing stressful or overly time consuming, just a little thoughtful good wish for my mom. She loves to get something good in the mail. My hope is to have one well wish in her mail box per day to bring her some cheer during her tough time. She will begin radiation treatments next week and will also be discussing chemo with her doctors.
I hope that you will join me. If you are interested, please leave a comment on this post and include your email address. I will then email you the address to send your good wish to. I would love it as well if you would add the above button to your blog to help and spread the word and let other's know that they can contribute as well.
I will start a flickr group that you are welcome to post a picture of your card/tag/item on to share with others. I will take pictures of items as well as she gets them and share them with you through the group. Here is the link
Thanks to all of those out there in blog land who have touched my life so with creativity, support and friendship and a special thank you to Karla and Mary Ann as well for the artistic inspiration they continually bring to so many.
I hope that you will join me in bringing my mom some cheer during her tough time. God bless!
Please send me your moms address. Is there something your mom collects, or fancies? Like your and Paris??? Any hints for us to go on?
You are such a wonderful daughter!
Rhonda, Nancy Gail and I will be together this weekend and making or finding a little something for your mom will be on our high preiority list. Nancy has your address from the ephemera swap...LaVerne in Texas
I may not be all that creative as some of the beautiful work to be found, but I can sure send a card and definately be prayerful for her!!
Hi Rhonda!
you got it!
Rhonda - i would love to do something for your mom !
This is wonderful, and I think your mom will love this Rhonda. I am going to enjoy making something for your mom, and hey, we share the same name :)
Send me the info and I will make something today, and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Forgot to mention, I will also add the banner with link to this post on my own blog and on the Etsy Cottage Style blog.
Hi Rhonda, I'd love to send something...Your mom will be very touched by what you are doing!
My bests to both of you and your families,
Rhonda, I'd love to send your Mom something, and I will be adding the image to my blog as well.
Good wishes your way!
Hi Rhonda, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your lovely mom. I went thru this with my own mom several years ago. Please know that there is a lot of support out there amongst your friends and extended family and don't be afraid to ask for it!
Hugs, Debbi
I have been in your shoes, what a great idea to give your Mother the positive blessings that she and the rest of your family need right now! I would LOVE to send her a card!
Thoughts and prayers,
Kat Fuller
Hi Rhonda. I think you have my email but just in case you don't, it's
Hi Rhonda,here is my email address so as I can send a tag to your Mom.
You are right - cancer sucks!!!
We lost my fatherinlaw last year to cancer!!!!
Rhonda, Love and prayers are coming your way. My grandmother, mother and mother in law all went through this. God Bless you all on this quest. Char
Hi Rhonda,
I just emailed you earlier today asking about your mom...then, when I popped in here I saw your news about the 7 weeks. I am so sorry for that bad news. Please send me the address, and I will drop something special in the mail for your mom. Many of my clients are survivors of breast cancer of many years. Your mom can be, too. I read your previous post, and I hate cancer, too. It claimed my childhood friend's life and my dad. So much progress has been made since my friend Lynn passed away in 2000...and,my dad in 2001.. We are all certainly praying for your mom to benefit from all current research. Hugs to you, Rhonda.
I'm in...I would love to make a little something for your Mom....does she have any favorites?? Just let me know. Take care and if you need anything else...let me know.
This is my first time to your blog--I am so touched by your post. I would love to send a little something along to your Mom, along with my prayers for strength and comfort for both of you. My email is
Smiles, Karen
Will put the information on my blog tomorrow..Would love to send your mom a card..I took my mother for six weeks radiation, she had cervical cancer..she did well..but would not do anything else, since she was in her 80ies..She did fine and lived to 90.. Cancer never came back either.
Have to ask, do you want me to make the card or just send a card?
Hey, I've been missing you and now I know why - you've been busy "dealing". Bless your heart.
Your mom is still on my prayer list and now she's going to have a button on my blog - YES, send me her address - I definately want to send her a card.
xoxo, jan
Prayers are there for the asking. I really do pray that you and your mum will be able to stay strong through this time. Very happy to send a little something your mum's way.
I just read rosebud's blog & would love to send your mom a card. My aunt had breast cancer & went through the whole gamut of everything for almost as long as your mom will be going through it. She is a survivor with no relapses for almost 8 years now. It was laughter and support that got her through so I would love to do the same for your mom too. my email is
Hello, If there is still room, I'd love to be a part of this. I'm sorry your mother and you & your family are going through this. I hope all of our efforts will cheer up her day
Just came from Wanda's blog (The Rat's Pajamas) and send me your mom's address. I went through breast cancer 12 years ago and had the chemo and 8 weeks of daily radiation. Does she collect anything special, any special colors, anything???
Your family is in my thoughts. Please forward the address to me here: and I will gladly put together some feel good niceties for your mom.
Hi, your mom is in my thoughts and prayers. I would love to send her a handmade card. Convo me with the address at
I found you through Rosebud's blog. I would love to send your Mom a card. Cancer runs in my family so I know what you and your Mom must be going through. Strength and wishes for the best. My blogger email is fine for notifying me of where to send the card.
Best wishes for your mom. Please do send the address so I can send her something to cheer her.
I'd love to send a card to your mom. I pray you all will be comforted thoughout this horrible ordeal. Here is my email:
Rhonda, I found your blog through ShabbyJules and I would love to send your mom something sweet. Please send me her info. Hugs to you, and I love your blog (you sound like a lovely person) and your art!!!
Hello, I found your blog thru cherished*vintage...I would love to get your mom's address and send her a card. My life has been effected by cancer in many ways...Aunts and my husband. I know that days can be very long and a kind word or a verse of encouragement can truly lift the spirit. I would also be honored to put the card button on my blog. What a wonderful gift you are giving your mom!!!! hugs, Ellen
Oh forgot..You can either leave me a post on my blog or send me an email with the info.
I would LOVE to send a card to your mom.
I know when my brother was in the hospital after he had his stroke and everyone sent cards he was so happy and thankful.
So please send me the address and I will gladly send one.
My email is
I'm going to post about this on my blog also.
Hi Rhonda...
Please send me the address, too, I'd love to participate and send a card.
We'll also be including your mom in our post on TUESDAY on our BLOG, entitled DAY of PRAYER.
ps...I came over from Joanne's blog to visit
I would love to send a card to your mother. I'll be praying for her...and for you too!
I will love being part of this effort to cheer your dear Mother. I am praying for her. My friend had the same thing, and if it is an encouragement, she is doing fine now. I pray the same for your Mother, that she will come thru this devastating illness.
Alice Grace
Would be happy to send your mom a card! Love the idea and I'm sure she feels blessed to have you for her daughter.
Linked to your site just now and hope she gets lots and lots of cards, and all the well wishes will make her heal!
Hope your Mom is doing OK with the treatment...hang in there!
Your mom is included in our DAY of PRAYER post today!
Hi Rhonda-
I will be delighted to make your Mom a special something. Please email me your snail mail addy and I'll get to working on it right away!
I blogged about this great cause and your give-away! HERE
You've touched my heart! And I love your attitude- Mom Will WIN!!!!
Would love to send a card to your mom. Please send the address. Have a great day!
Oh, my email is
I would love to send you Mother a card. I lost my Mom 4 years ago and I still tear up almost daily, I misser her so much. Connie stampgram@yahoo
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