It's time for Carolyn's from Magpie-Pixie to throw her Third Annual Red Carpet Event to celebrate her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAZ! I am thrilled to be joining you once again!
At first I was going to wear the navy dress above. I mean, I do look fabulous in it. But I have been doing so much work lately with my Marie group, that I decided to find a wonderful Marie inspired gown.

As you can tell, Marie Antoinette would have been so jealous of me if I lived during her time. I can pull this look off no problemo and have now purchased several gowns to play in.

Don't I look incredible?

The only problem is that I just can't be a serious royal.
So, I had a huge dilemma this year concerning what lucky guy to take to the party. Last year both Rob and Brandon Flowers came with me. Brandon and I are super close and just have such a special bond. Especially when he sings to me. But Carolyn really, really likes Rob now. We are so close, and I just can't let her down on her birthday.

I've gotten a lot closer to Taylor as well. But he's jail bait you know. And then I had a little heart break over Edward.

I mean, just look at this picture of Carolyn hanging all over him. They just look so cute and it really makes me nauseous.

And then, when I saw him licking her face, ugh! That just made me livid. So I decided to make him a little jealous and play with Taylor for a bit.

But just look at his face. He's a scared little boy and he knows I would just tear him apart. Although very tempting, I just can't do it to him. He's just too sweet. So I decided to find another wolf.

Now Hugh here has really got it going on. He's just so dreamy and such a good dancer.

Very passionate and I always have so much fun when we are together. But then I decided that I needed to have myself a Brit, because that is where Caz and Rob are from. So I decided to give David Beckham a chance.

Now he looks good, and I look good with him. But he is just too high maintenance for me.
So off to another boy toy.

Ashton loves older chicks and is very cute, but you know what? No one gets to me like my Brandon does. I just love him so you know. (Be sure to check out my real life meeting with Brandon and the other Killers members on my post from last January- Click here: A Dream Come True).

I just love it when Brandon wears eye liner. He really doesn't do it anymore, but will on occasion when I beg him to and make him promises.

I love it when he holds me too.

Don't we look great together. But then, being the good Mormon boy that he is, Brandon became very upset with me. See, now that I'm a stay at home mom, I rarely drink. The alcohol was just really kicking in and I just ended up, well.....

.... plain old sloshed D R U N K. Or, as the British would say, good and "pissed". I mean, really, I didn't even have that much to drink. But it was too late. The alcohol was already having it's way with me and things were only going to get worse.

I don't even remember this picture being taken. I have never seen this dude in my life! But apparently the two of us did a fabulous Birthday rap for Caz!
Caz and I go way back. We have always been super close and attached at the hip. Or maybe it's the shoulder.

So I wanted to do some really special things for her for her birthday to show her how much she means to me. I mean, besides giving her Rob.

First, I made her this wonderful birthday cake and sang to her in front of everyone. I am super talented though don't cha know.

Next, I gave her some beautiful flowers. But they made me sneeze. So Caz told me to stop trying to sober up and just show her a good time. Well, you only have to ask once and I do know how to have a good time!

So, I did my Lady GaGa impersonation for everyone. It was a HUGE hit! I have her dance moves down and sing pretty good too.

Next, I showed the crowd how flexible I am. This made Brandon even more upset with me.

The party girls started chanting, "Presents, presents, presents!" So I decided to give Carolyn the gifts that I got for her, besides Rob, of course.

I made her this fabulous dress out of actual stuffed Hello Kittys. Isn't it Purrfect? Ba hahahaha!

I also got her this precious pup from the shelter. I had to at least make one positive statement at the party after making such an ass of myself. This even made Brandon a little less mad at me. Yippee!

I found this wonderful product called Bumpits. Oh my gawd! They are so cool and make your hair look, like, really high, and like, so pretty. So I got some for Caz too.

I wanted to get her something original and different this year besides your typical jewelry. So I got her her very own collection of neck rings. They're solid 24kt. gold. (Note to Caz: Just be sure to use one ring at a time. And if you decide to take them off, DON'T. You will meet terrible consequences if you do).

I also got this totally cool bag and boots from the Jessica Simpson line. I was able to get the couch and dress for her too.

After a fabulous fish feast with lots of chips and vinegar, Caz and I had our own little quality moment chugging beers. I don't know how that girl does it, but she beats me every, single, time! You go girl!

But then, I passed out and had this stupid grin on my face while this dude kissed me. I must have thought it was Brandon. Hey! Who took this picture anyway? You better not show it to Brandon! I don't need him anymore upset with me then he already is!

And you know what happens when you drink too much and pass out? You wake up not even recognizing yourself the next day. Just like that chick in the Sixteen Candles movie.

So I guess I'm stuck being a punk for awhile. Does anyone know how I can get these tattoos off without it hurting too bad? What am I going to do? Who did this to me? Caz, was it you?
Thanks for enjoying my silly moment with me and thank you Caz for having me.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLYN! I am so blessed to have you as my friend and I hope that 2010 is the year that we can meet in person and celebrate for real. Thank you for always being there for me, for loving me the way I am, and touching my heart so often. May this year bring you every happiness possible with great love and many blessings!

Be sure to pay Carolyn a visit to not only wish her a Happy Birthday but to see who else has posted a fun post today to celebrate her Red Carpet Event!
Rhonda - you`ve surpassed yourself this year !!! LOL !!
talk about laughing - i am laughing my freakin ass off here !!! :o) Way to go girl !!
I should have guessed you`d be a high society parisienne lady !! Wait till you see where i whisk us all of to ! You`ll love it !!
Who said you could have a kiss from Rob ! ? let alone Taylor !!
Of course we look the perfect couple !! I just lurve him soo much !! You know i wanna "do " him and teach him stuff to boot !! ROFL !!
Rob is thee best present i`ve ever had !!
i didn`t know that you were that supple !! Rob`s never told me that one !!
And you pissed as a fart - is hilarious !!!
i love my new puppy -i think i`ll call him Edward !! And you know me - i love bags !!
He he - those tatoo`s do suit you - you were drunk enough to have `em done !!
Thanks for being the best friend i could wish for - and more !!
Always there for me - and pick me up when i`m feeling down and someone to moan at !!
Now i`m having a dance with Brandon - if you don`t mind !!
I will give him back soo to ya !!
See you soon !
Phew !! I brought you Brandon back !! he surely can move about can`t he !! ? And did you see he kept putting his hands on my bum !! ?
I told Rob , that i was going to call my new pet edward , but he didn`t like being referred to a dog !! LOL !
I know - i`ll call him Sparkles then !!
OMG Im cracking up... how clever!! xo Bryanna
Okay, I'm still laughing...all those faces Rhonda..they're priceless and hyserical. I'm not sure which one I like the best..perhaps the one of you and Carolyn drinking beer....
Well done!!!
LOL....Rhonda, You and Hugh make a fabulous couple!!!
You go girl!!
Hey R....
Of course Rob can lick me anywhere he wants !! protection or no protection !!! ROFL ! i wouldn`t need to many beers to lie flat on my back for him !! Ho ho ho !! ;o)
All this champagne is def going to my head !! I think we`ll join you n brandon in a quiet spot for a while ..
Wow, Rhonda, you are so funny, I could not stop laughing. Great pics. Have a great week. Hugs, Terri
ROFL so it was you I could hear screaming from one of the rooms...musta been when you were getting your tattoos! hehe I'm so enjoying Carolyn's party and seeing everyone again:-) Rhonda, you really had me laughing out loud with this post, the faces you made were perfect for the pictures...I swear I'll be giggling in my sleep thinking of them! lol I'm at the party as Scarlett PEA and my date is Rhett Steve...I do declare that man is dancing me off my feet!! By the way, I'm still spitting out foam! lol xox
You are a nut girl, a crazy nut. Looks as if you had a ball putting this together, bet you laughed a bunch while doing it...thanks for sharing this fun with us, your groupies.....
Ugg - i have a serious hangover this morning !! I didn`t get much sleep either - KWIM ? wink wink !!
Thanks so much for taking part - it wouldn`t have been the same without you !!
I love you too !
I still need to reply to your email - soon !
ROFL! Holy smokes! This was the coolest thing I have seen in forever! haha. SO creative and cute. I was like TOTALLY dieing seeing you all over MY Edward lol. I love it. AWESOME post!
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