On Friday, my AMAZING husband and I drove down to Atlanta to see our third Killers concert. I was SO excited. I can't tell you how many times I have dreamed of meeting them and cried to my husband, literally in tears, "I just want to meet them so badly". He is very supportive of my Victimness (Victims are fans of The Killers).
After arriving in Atlanta, I told my husband to first drive around the Coliseum to see where the buses might be, where we should stand after the concert to try to meet them. We saw the buses, we heard them rehearsing, and then the Heavens showered upon me. With the help of another gal, I somehow managed to get backstage. I had NO makeup on and had just woken up from the drive. Long story short, I was able to make my way, eventually, to the side of the stage for my own personal concert. I was about 12 feet from Dave. I stayed completely calm, although I was so close to the men who I adore.
I sat there in awe, wondering if it was really happening. I watched the lights above my head and on the big screen of light bulbs beside of me. It was just so magical. I was able to listen to them talking about what they were doing and making their plans. I got to see what it was like back stage and all of their many trunks full of equipment. Just amazing!
When they were done with rehearsals, my own private concert - lol, they each began to leave the stage. Dave walked right past me, and I just sat on The Killers trunk like I belonged there. Everyone left, except for Brandon, the lead singer. He was playing a tune on his piano. We were the only ones there and I was praying he would walk off stage near me. But, he went the other way. I had to think quick, there wasn't much time.
I made my way back around, and saw Ronnie, the drummer who I have learned to play drums with by listening to him and playing along. He was getting clothes out of a dryer and I just calmly walked by. I then saw my friend walking down the opposite side. We looked at each other and mouthed, "Oh my gosh".
I had to find Brandon. I was walking along looking in each room as I passed, when all of a sudden, out he walked. We were FACE TO FACE! I froze and said, "Um, Brandon, could I ask you a question?" He said, "Sure". I then froze, and began to stutter and tell him how sorry I was and to just let me talk to him for one minute, and LOST IT! I was a blubbering IDIOT. I was shaking like I never have before. I just blubbered about how much I loved the band, and how I meant no disrespect for being back there, and how they've helped me though some really rough times, etc. etc. I was like, "I am so sorry". And he was so calm and said, "It's okay". He was SO NICE.
My new friend took a picture of us, and I was shaking so badly that Brandon held his hands under the camera to keep it from hitting the floor if I dropped it. He signed a few things for me and chatted for a minute and was just amazing.
Security was VERY upset, as they should have been. I feel bad for doing what I did, but it was the opportunity of a lifetime. At the same time, I am glad I got caught because I wouldn't want anyone getting in there like I did and hurt any of them. You will notice that I am not telling how I did this. I don't want to give anyone else ideas. But there is no way anyone could ever repeat what my new friend and I did. I also don't want to risk their safety.
I also met Mark and asked him why he never smiled big. He said, "Well, it's kind of hard when someone is asking you to". What was I thinking??? He was so tall, and very cool. But silly me forgot to get a picture with him. I didn't get one with Dave either or his autograph, but hey, I got to sit next to him while he played so that makes up for it".
When Ronnie walked by us I said, "Ronnie". He said, "Yea". I said, "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He said, "About what?" I said, "Drums". He said, "Okay, I'll be right back."
Security wanted me out of there, the shaking, crazy, crying Victim. I said, "No, please, wait, Ronnie said he would be right back". They were so tolerant. Ronnie came back, and we chatted and he signed my things and said, "I'll even draw some little drums right here". I said, "Cool! Oh, that's right, you have your own drumsticks now" (they're by Zildjian). I asked, "Do you by any chance have a stick I could have, I'm a drummer" He said, "Sure" and off he went. Security still wanted me out, but I begged that Ronnie was coming back with some sticks. He walked all the way around and back, just for me. He waved two in the air and said, "Here you go, I thought you would like some that were beat up". OMG! They were his signature sticks and all beat to hell. I told him how my husband got me a drum set and I learned to play by listening and playing along with him. He said, "Oh, I'm sorry" hahaha. We took pictures together and chatted some more, and he was just SO awesome. They are so nice to their fans and it was just amazing! I was a blubbering wreck! But they, especially Ronnie, seemed to just understand that I was just a true and deep fan.
Before I left, I said, "Oh, I'm Rhonda" and as he shook my hand he said, "And I'm Ronnie". I replied, "I know" and thanked him for making my dreams come true.
The concert was amazing, of course. I think it was the best one yet, although I like the anticipating beginning from their last tour. But you would have to be a Victim to understand that. They are just better and better every time I see them.
After the concert, my husband said, "Let's still go check outside". I thought, what the heck! Long story short, after standing in the freezing cold for about an hour and a half, Ronnie suddenly appeared. I got to meet with him again, tell him sorry about earlier, and laugh and chit chat. It was just amazing and I wasn't shaking like a leaf this time.
I just grabbed onto him like he was a close friend. And he was SO nice!
I love this picture, and have several more and video of us chatting. He and Brandon even said hello to my girls by name. They gasped when they watched it. They know all of The Killers songs, a precious four and six year old singing along with me. They will have to experience it live one day.
They even signed my shirt. It was my black Victims t-shirt. Ronnie put his initials on the white letters, but Brandon was another story. He said, "But it won't show up." I said, "Yes it will". He said, "But it's black on black". I said, I can't believe I said, pointing to the word Victim on my shirt, "I'm a Victim, your Brandon Flowers. Even if you just scribble on it, it will be priceless".
It was just a day of magic! Many, many thanks to the band, who bring joy to my spirit. And an extra special thanks to Ronnie and Brandon for making this day so remarkable. They are just so great and thankful to their fans. It was, my dream come true and I really feel like I will meet them again one day. I'm sure they will never forget Rhonda, the crazy fan, away from her daughters for the night, that snuck back stage. I also want to thank my new friend J, who I was lucky enough to see again after the concert. I couldn't have done this without her!
Hope you enjoyed my very long story. I'm going to go and replay it in my head some more. Have a great week! I know I will!
You must be on cloud 9 !!!!!!!!!!! I like the killers, too. I love the song "Mr. Brightside" and my kids encouraged me to get the CD---I love the whole CD and listen to it over and over again. My son is big on concert going and hanging around to get playlists. I feel sort of stupid doing this with him, but if we get one it is so worth it. I would love to see the Killers in concert one day!!
Oh rRonda! I'm sooooooo happy for you!! It coul;dn't have happened to a nicer, more deserving VICTIM! Isn't fabulous when dreams come true??
Now what are you gonna dream for? (in your next dream could you include me? lol!) :)
That was the greatest story! I enjoyed reading every bit of it! You are adorable! Good for you getting backstage! I would do the same thing for Paul Weller! I just love music! I love how music touches people's lives. I'm sure as a band, they know this. How great that they were so nice!!!! Makes it even more magical! I really like the Killers too! How great!!!!
OH, Rhonda!!! How exciting!! I am so happy for you!!! What an exciting day to remember. I love your pics. I'm an eternal flower child from the 60's. It was scary the tactics a couple of friends and I used to get backstage to meet our heart throbs back then. So glad your dream came true. Now, I'm gonna take a listen at the Killers!
I'm so happy for you. Wonderful when a person get to fulfill one of their dreams. Bravo!
Holy cow, that's amazing!! I was so super excited just reading this, I can't even imagine what it would have been like to be there.
I think you look great, btw!!
Well, I never! I'm so glad you got to meet them. I don't know who they are but you certainly love them. Congratulations!!
Sometime I'll tell you a story about going to a concert (the back way)haha Your right, I wouldn't want to give anyone any ideas.!
I'm so happy for you!
I had a more abbreviated but very happy meeting with Chris Isaak this past fall. :o) What a thrill!
Hey R...
I am smiling as much as you my BBFF !! Your gig turned out to be one in a million - didn`t it ! i can tell by your writing that you were and had such a memorable time - it`s awesome that you got to finally meet Brandon !! I`m sure they all lived up and beyond your expectations of how you thought they`d be in real life .
Maybe next time - it could be us too - but with John - now that would be another dream come true - wouldn`t it !!
I hope the migraines gone
Love ya !!
How cute! You were a woman on a mission and everyone knows not to get in the way of that... Sounds like you had a spectacular, spectacular time. Good for you, you victim! Your blow by blow details really made me smile!
How brave were you to do that.You clever girl see dreams do come true,and one happened to you !
Is your blog gonna change to Rhondasagroupie now ?
OMG!!! Rhonda, you´re my inspiration! i´m spanish and i saw a The Killers´s concert in july...it was the best day of my life!!
But when they´ll come back Spain i´ll try meet, please i dont understand so good the way you slip in backstage, please i need your advice!
thanks Rhonda!
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