Could someone please go on ebay and win these for me? Could you imagine using these in your artwork? You could even just mount them onto, whatever, and it would be beautiful as is.
I have NEVER been into dolls. My mom collected dolls and had them in the china cabinets when I was growing up. Of course, now, I can appreciate some of them. But she had some that used to give me the major hee-be-gee-bees (spell?). She had one that looked so real and my friends and I would swear that it's eyes would follow us around the room. It didn't help that our old Victorian home was haunted either. And when the telephone was located in that room it REALLY bothered me. But not enough, as a teenager, to not use the phone for hours at a time. And it wasn't even a cordless phone. I sat in one spot blabbing. I could never do that now and do not own anything but cordless phones.
Can you tell I am starting to feel like my old self, with the way I keep going from one topic to another?
Any who...... I love this set for sale on ebay. I recently purchased an antique frozen Charlotte doll and an antique German doll head from Retro Cafe' Art , as well as some other fabulous goodies. Kristin has some of the most amazing items for using in altered art. I have them safely tucked away at the moment, but one day will use them. I really want to get some more though. They are just so interesting, don't cha think?
I'd love to hear about what vintage goodies you like to collect or use in your art. Leave a comment, pretty please, and let me know. Hope you are finding wonderful treasures this week!
They look marvelous! I tried every combination of search words and couldn't find them on eBay. Maybe just as well ...
What is it about them??? I have been tempted too. They have such an interesting history--I guess. I have seen them (not that collection though) and have resisted so far. I have put my self on a collecting freeze--I am just enjoying what I have already--rubber stamp and victorian die cut scrap and paper victorian fashion plate collections.
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