While wasting time on ebay, which I way too often do, I came across this "haunted" doll. And oddly, I'm considering a bid. It isn't the first time I have seen such things on ebay. Many have had listings for dolls that contained "spirits" or had once belonged to a "witch". And you know what is even wilder? These people have feedback for other haunted items they have sold. Feedback from very happy customers who love their "haunted" item. I just don't know. I believe in ghosts and the paranormal. Heck, I even believe some that call themselves "witches" (but not the goth want to be bad ones) but haunted dolls? As the ghost hunter that I am, wanting to rush to tell all of the spirits to "go to the light and be at peace", I say let the poor spirit be. Tell whatever it is to move on and be at peace. Below are some pictures and the description.

This very unique doll is super active. My stepdaughter bought her many years ago at an estate sale in Alabama. She was in a cedar chest for many years. This February, she came across the doll while she was moving and placed her on a bookshelf in her bedroom. At night, she would wake to the sounds of a baby crying and would get up and check on her two children (13 and 9) only to find them sleeping peacefully. She realized that the sounds were coming from the area where she had displayed the doll. She then put the doll in the living room behind some other dolls but each day, the doll would be in front of the others. After my grandchildren told her that the doll was making noise and creeped them out, she decided to find a new home for the doll. She was walking from the kitchen into the living room and telling her daughter that she was giving the doll away, the doll fell off of the shelf and her living room curtains (secure on a rod that snapped into a bracket), jumped up and fell to the floor. She thought it was just a coincidence but decided to put the doll back into the cedar chest until she found a home for her. Later that week, I was visiting her and she asked if I would take the doll. Her son brought the doll to me and even though the house was very cold, the doll felt like a fevered baby. When I left with the baby, she remarked to her children that she was glad to have it out of the house. Just then, the living room curtain on the other window jumped up and fell to the floor.
I have been working with this doll for months and have heard babies crying at least twice a week. We have also noticed things in the house have gone missing only to show up a few days later in odd places. The doll is solid porcelain which is usually cool or cold to the touch but this baby always feels very warm. Her head is hollow and her little puckered mouth is slightly opened. Her eyes close and open. She has on a beautiful christening gown and little cap. There is a little discoloration on her dress but I believe it can be cleaned. She is approximately 10 inches tall. This is the most special doll I have ever encountered. I would like to keep her for myself but my husband (the big baby) is spooked by her and wants her out of the house. I have not heard a name from her but I keep dreaming of the name "Annabelle" so that is what I call her.
This very unique doll is super active. My stepdaughter bought her many years ago at an estate sale in Alabama. She was in a cedar chest for many years. This February, she came across the doll while she was moving and placed her on a bookshelf in her bedroom. At night, she would wake to the sounds of a baby crying and would get up and check on her two children (13 and 9) only to find them sleeping peacefully. She realized that the sounds were coming from the area where she had displayed the doll. She then put the doll in the living room behind some other dolls but each day, the doll would be in front of the others. After my grandchildren told her that the doll was making noise and creeped them out, she decided to find a new home for the doll. She was walking from the kitchen into the living room and telling her daughter that she was giving the doll away, the doll fell off of the shelf and her living room curtains (secure on a rod that snapped into a bracket), jumped up and fell to the floor. She thought it was just a coincidence but decided to put the doll back into the cedar chest until she found a home for her. Later that week, I was visiting her and she asked if I would take the doll. Her son brought the doll to me and even though the house was very cold, the doll felt like a fevered baby. When I left with the baby, she remarked to her children that she was glad to have it out of the house. Just then, the living room curtain on the other window jumped up and fell to the floor.
I have been working with this doll for months and have heard babies crying at least twice a week. We have also noticed things in the house have gone missing only to show up a few days later in odd places. The doll is solid porcelain which is usually cool or cold to the touch but this baby always feels very warm. Her head is hollow and her little puckered mouth is slightly opened. Her eyes close and open. She has on a beautiful christening gown and little cap. There is a little discoloration on her dress but I believe it can be cleaned. She is approximately 10 inches tall. This is the most special doll I have ever encountered. I would like to keep her for myself but my husband (the big baby) is spooked by her and wants her out of the house. I have not heard a name from her but I keep dreaming of the name "Annabelle" so that is what I call her.
What do you think?
I think we deserve what we ask for! - and that goes double if we actually PAY for it! LOL
(but it is a pretty cool doll - sort of a female Marty Feldman)
I'm scared---i remember some of the best ghost stories I heard when I was younger involved waking up to dolls that had come alive-----too creepy!!!!!
As my fellow New Jerseyan & friend Geralyn said "toooo creepy" all I think of is "chuckie" okay I just got the chills on that one LOL...please do keep us posted on what happens to her...grace peace & joy 2 "U" Marlene
Don't worry guys! I'm not going to buy this doll. It would end up creeping me out way too bad! Would make for some good blog stories though- lol! Rhonda...
noooo way
Okay I thought this was weird until I read what Anonymous (above) wrote. Now that is WEIRD.
And Tristan, ". . .sort of a female Marty Feldman", way too funny. :-D
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