This months kit is "decked out" with so many possibilities. I really loved these new 12x12 papers, Small Blue Mosaic Scrapbook Paper and Large Blue Mosaic Scrapbook Paper.
Above I used the Spider Web Wrought Iron Playing Card. I didn't want it to have a web, so I trimmed a bit of the design off to make it my own. Below is the Stars Playing Card design which amazed me because there are so many tiny details.
I wrapped each card on one side with gold wire threaded with tiny seed beads and topped off with a charm. The charm and the direction of the card when dealt could have separate meanings.
I used mini cards on both ends of the Spider Web Wrought Iron Playing Cards to also give more meaning to the card. Not that I am actually doing a "reading". I just like lots of unique touches within my work.
For both of the "Stars Playing Card", I made sure that a star was shown shining on both ends of the card. I used Night Sky Watercolor Scrapbook Paper and Seize the Night Scrapbook Paper to achieve this effect.
Next, I heated the entire card with an embosser until the inks and paints bubbled. It's one of my favorite odd techniques.
I wonder what is "In the Cards" for me? Hopefully many more cool art projects to create. I hope I've added some creativity to your future.

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For Mom - I love you so much, always and forever. Thank you for being mine and for giving me such a creative life. I miss you so much. R...
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Beautiful!! Love the rusty look of the chipboard :)
These cards are stunning. I love the texture you put on them. And the color!!!!
Such a lovely tribute to Mom. I appreciate your words at the end. Your cards are awesome.
Rhonda these are beautiful! I have a collection of cards also and have always wanted to make my own. I particularly love the bubbly antique borders. I had some tattered angels spray colors that could be used for that effect but I am wondering if any paints would do? I wish you would make a The and tell us what you used. :) thank you so much for sharing your ideas and work! I always look forward to your work and book mark various pieces so I can revisit them for inspiration. I keep coming back to there lovely cards.Thanks again :)
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