It's time for the FINAL One World One Heart Event! I can't believe this is the fifth year! I've been super busy lately and had major surgery, but decided that I could set up a little something to pass along to one lucky winner. This event has brought me many new friends and hopefully during this final year it will once again.
Below is a post I did in June of 2008. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago, that I started to blog. I have come so far as an artist since I began in 2007 and have had some great opportunities and made some fabulous friends along the way. The post is about my mad obsession for old Ledgers. Imagine how many more I have collected since the two plus years I posted this. I even have a fabulous old french one from the 1800s. They fascinate me!
So, I thought that I would gift one lucky winner, a collection of some vintage ledger pages. They are fabulous to use in your altered art, but also to just view and appreciate. And hopefully, I will win some new friends with similar interests and stories to tell.
Have fun visiting all of the other participating bloggers, and a HUGE thanks to Lisa for all of the hard work she has put into this event for the past five years. I am sad to have it end, but so thankful that I could be a part of it all!
My Love of Vintage Ledgers - June 2008
I adore vintage ledgers. I love to think of the clothes the person who was writing in them had on and how the world was at that time. I love the size of the pages and the way they are numbered and I especially love the beautiful penmanship that people once took such pride in. Any time I see altered art that contains ledger pages, it is just that more beautiful in my eyes.
This is my collection. Some I use in my own altered art, and some I just flip though and read what was written on the aged pages.
Even the outside of the ledgers are beautiful, most made of soft leather and just a piece of art within itself.
This is one of my newest. It isn't as old as my favorite, but so beautiful.
The above pages, I will keep just to look at when I have a spare moment. I love how the "S" was formed by it's creator.
This is another one of my newest ones. I don't think I will ever part with any of it's pages though. My original intention was to use it in my artwork and to sell some of the pages. Look at that beautiful binding! This ledger is huge!
I have spent a lot of time reading this one. It is especially interesting to me since I am a former school teacher. This ledger contains information about teachers who were looking for jobs in 1886 and later. The penmanship is the same, and every single of the 200+ pages describe another applicant.
I have only found women listed in this book thus far, that are either single or widowed. The questions listed are humorous to me, the way they are worded and that they were even asked. But we all know how things have changed for women during the 100+ years since this ledger was written in. Click on the image to read more.
Old ledgers just fascinate me. They are a beautiful form of art and a way that life once was long ago. I hope that you enjoyed looking at my collection. Come and pay me a visit again soon!

Oh MAN! or WOMAN! I covet thy neighbors ledger stash! Can't help it, I LOVE LEDGERS too. I have two. And have looked and looked for some really awesome old ones like yours but to no avail. I also like using old ledger papers in my artwork. There's just something about working with the real deal. It adds so much dimension to a piece. I love your blog and have been following for some time. HOpe you are having a great time at the OWOH, I know I am. Have a very happy week! Hugs!
I just love old books and ledgers. I buy them to use in my art and then cannot bear to take them apart! I would love to win a few already dismantled so I wouldn't feel so stifled! Ha ha! I am participating in the OWOH give away for the first time this year.What fun!
You can never have enough ledger pages! Love them for my art.
Donna Goss
What a wonderful blog event this is. It's popping up everywhere!
Your ledger paper is the BEST and I'm staring at some of yours right now.
Hope you are feeling better and stronger every day. Keep those fingers busy and I cannot wait to catch up this week. xoxoxoxox R
I love ledger pages too. First visit to your blog but I'll be back. I've been in all the OWOH giveaways, so better get busy and get started. This one sort of got away from me.
fantastic!! I Looove vintage ledgers! count me in please!!
So nice to meet you. This is my first OWOH event and I would love to win your giveaway
This would be a geneologists dream find!
Its amazing what you can find in old documents like these. I lived on a boat when I was little (a converted Navy Launch), and I remember that my parents said they added a cabin on the back to give more living space right after I was born. On a trip to my parents house last month I discovered all the old boat records...the flyer they used when selling it with a diagram of the boat and pictures, a letter from the person they sold it to, and various surveys they'd had to do for insurance reasons. Those surveys not only told me a lot about the boat...but they praised the new work my parents were doing saying it was "proffessional grade" and blended seemlessly with the old construction, but also mentioned that they needed to add one safety feature but that "the owner said he planned to add it as his wife had just had a baby and they planned to live aboard." Amazing that I should be mentioned in an insurance survey!
Oh what a beautiful giveaway!!!!
Collecting old handwriting is a hobby of mine as well. I'd love to add these to my collection.
I love old ledgers too, Rhonda! Here in Germany they are pretty hard to find and so I only have two. It would be great to have a greater variety and therefor I would love to win some of your ledger pages.
I love old books too, but haven't started collecting the handwritten ledgers...but now I have been bitten by the bug! I'm glad to have found you..
Oh please include me, I got so excited when I saw you on the list. I do love your work!!!!!
Wow you have an amazing collection of Ledgers, I am soooooo jealous right now ;)
I am a lover of ledger papers and use them all the time in my art work.
I would love to win this giveaway :)
Fingers crossed
Micki x
owoh #207
Absolutely awesome give away!
As a genealogist, I can relate to your love of ledgers! They are truly a look into the past. Don't you wish people wrote like that still? Going through census records, I am always amazed at the script and have copied them just for that!
Ledger pages from your collection? I'd adore some. So please put my name in your drawing.
Hugs from Colorado
This is my first year with OWOH and it is amazing! If you get a chance wander over to my blog #476 on the list
You have a lovely blog, and I love the little Eiffel tower that the mouse cursor turns to be! But even more beautiful are those ledger books you have - I´ve learned to read medieval handwriting at the university, and I´ve always been interested in calligraphy, so I´ve enjoyed the close-ups you´ve shown here! Please add my name to your drawing and hop over to my blog for a visit!
Hi Rhonda. Nice to meet you. That's a great giveaway, very nice. I'm 96 on the list and please stop by my blog for a chance to win. I hope you are having fun with OWOH event. Enjoy.
very nice!
goodasgoldie at yahoo dot com
Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the oppertunity to win!
Oh I love these. I love old things with a history. Would like a chance to win, please enter me.
Hallo, nice to meet you
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
Please count me in.
Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
Regards from Germany and happy OWOH
Your ledgers are awesome. I work with large books like this and am at awe at times of the excellent penmanshi[ written in them. It amazes me that people tear the pages out of these pieces of history but when I see them altered and added to a piece of artwork I understand. the beauty they create just makes it possible for more to see the wonderful pages. I hope I win. Come visit me:
Please put me in the pot for your OWOH Door Prize!
Thank You,Tee creationsbytee@gmail.com
G'Day from Brisbane! Poppin' in for OWOH event. Pleased to meet you!
Vintage ledger pages are such a fun idea!
homemakerhoney@ gmail .com
My OWOH giveaway:
Hi there ~
Ledger pages is such a cool idea for your giveaway. I hope you visit my blog too!
Cheers ~
OWOH #602
Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years. Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Love your creativity, and your blog banner is spectacular. Count me in please.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
Hi Rhonda. Thank you so much for welcoming me to your Blog. I love all vintage items and agree that they are treasures! WoW you really can find beautiful things. Please feel free to enter my drawing also. Just click on the kitty icon to get there.
Thank you again.
Don't you love the penmanship?!?!? I've found I love finding vintage post cards for the same reason, though I also love the imagery on them and old photos as well!
If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten’s 3 R’s: I’m giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!
Hi Rhonda, beautiful blog post and your vintage ledgers are wonderful, I love them! Thank you! xoxo
Glad to meet you. What a fascinating hobby! So glad I stopped by.
Jeanie Callaghan
I love old ledgers too. Pleased to meet you. Do drop by when you have a chance.
I love old ledgers too. Pleased to meet you. Do drop by when you have a chance.
thanks for stopping by my blog..this is a great giveaway love those old books..good luck everyone
Rhonda, Thank you for inviting us into your world. Before I retired I was responsible for recording the sacraments in our ledgers for the Catholic Diocese here and it always helped my penmanship because I had such great examples to follow by looking at the ancient entries. I'd love to win this prize. Please visit me if you have time. Thanks, Mollye
Hi Rhonda, I`m your newest follower... what a fabulous giveaway :))) Please include my name in your draw and it would be terrific if you could drop by my blog for a visit too.
Martina from Stuttgart/Germany ♥♥♥
I've never seen old ledgers here in Finland. I'd probably read all the pages!
Love it!!! What a fun, fun, giveaway. My father and father before him were funeral directors, we have a ledger that lists death's and their causes from the early 1900's ~ it's a fascinating piece of ledger hisory. Anyway... Please enter my name in the drawing, and if you are out and about in blogland, stop by #521 and meet me.
Oh man, I would love to win these!
Please come by my blog and my OWOH giveaway as well. I'm #590.
hoerauf at comcast dot net
Hi there, so nice to meet you!
Your giveaway is wonderful and gorgeous, would love to be in with a chance to win! I don't think I have ever even seen a ledger like that in real life...
Greetings from bonny Scotland.
PS. If you have a minute and have not already done so, please come and visit mine too:o)
Great giveaway - I would love to win these. Thanks for the chance :)
I don't know if I would use these for art or just lovingly cherish them as you have :)
What a beautiful collection you have! I love incorporating pages like this into my work - the ones with handwriting are so neat! Thanks for a great giveaway! jinglesells at gmail dot com #357
very cool hobby/interest! I am now following you!
Greetings from Canada -
visit me at #336 Shimmer and Tulle.
Hi Rhonda, Tickled to see you participating. Please enter me in your drawing and come over and enter mine. Laura
*faints* Hurry, fan me with those ledger pages to revive me! Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely/fabulous/awesome/hopefully soon to be mine give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy
What an absolutely delightful gift. I hope I win!!!
Come visit me at my blog if you have a moment. I'm #68 Elizabeth
Your ledgers are gorgeous! The pages are so rich and full of history.
Please stop by and enter my OWOH! I'm #50!
So very nice to meet you, I love visiting all these wonderful blogs and seeing what everyone is working on, there are so many talented people here..
Please enter my name in your lovely drawing
Bonnie in Florida
Visit my blogs
# 566 and # 567
This has to be THE greatest giveaway yet! What a wonderful collection you are going to share! My brain is already thinking of the ways to use them and wondering if I will just have to keep some of them in tact! Thanks for your giving heart! Visit my humble giveaways when you get a moment.
I hope this isn't a second post, tried but looked like it failed so trying again.
Your giveaway has to be THE greatest one in all of OWOH giveaways! My brain is already thinking of all the way I can use them, and wondering just how many I would have to keep to just read over and over again! Visit me to view my humble giveaways at #123.
I love them, such perfect handwriting. Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)
Hello from Maple Valley, WA! I love your post about the ledgers and would love to enter the giveaway for some of those precious pages! They are so cool to use in my soldered mixed media pendants and under resin.
If you have time, please stop by my blog on your OWOH travels. *Ü* I'm #347 on the list.
ashlyndesign (at) comcast (dot) net
Hello :)
Nice to meet you!
The ledger pages are fun!
Fabulous Giveaway - please include me and do come and visit my blog and enter mine too –if you haven’t already – I am #139 – Cheers Britt in Australia :-)
I also love old ledgers. I love to redo the covers but usually leave the centers intact because of the antiquity aspect. However, I have been tempted a time or two to use the pages for my artwork. I would love to win the pages you are gifting for your door prize. Please add my name to the list and come on over to visit at number 92.
Rhonda I have to say you have the most beautiful collection of ledgers that I have ever seen. They are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing some pages with me, I am truly treasuring these. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri
Oh, how I love ledger pages! Your blog is always such an inspiration!
Oh, how I love ledger pages! Your blog is always such an inspiration!
Hello from Thailand!
Wow! I haven't read any ledgers that dates back to the 1800s yet.. it must be an amazing experience to be transported back into time.
Here's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)
laetricia (@) gmail (d0t) com
Hello and may I just say how happy I am to meet you. Happy OWOH. I am so excited to be a part of this and would love the opportunity to be a part of your door prize.
I am a collector of Vintage books as well, but not just ledgers. These are absolutely devine.
It has been wonderful to stop by and visit and I hope you will drop in during your adventures around Blogland.
Wishes and Whimsy
WeNdy from WonDErLand
Wonderful giveaway! Please count me in! 3269
Hi Rhonda, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win some of your vintage ledger pages:-) They're so fascinating, aren't they!!
Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!
Hugs, PEA from Canada xox
wonderful such beautiful penmanship. they don't teach it like that anymore, please throw my name in the hat!
I'm in lust with these! I also love old ledger pages...would LOVE to win!Thanks.sue
Ciao! I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! Thanks for a chance to win some sheets from your vintage ledgers!!
Hugs, ♥ ♥ ♥ Antonella ♥ ♥ ♥
wing stop #153, snowy New Jersey
Please stop by #153 for a chance to win my giveaway!
I love old ledgers and journals, I think it is the history behind the pages that is so fascinating. I would love to have some to look at, don't know if I could cut them up.
I really enjoyed visiting your blog. The ledgers are absolutely gorgeous. I am researching my family genealogy, and I love the beautiful handwriting - although sometimes very hard to recognize letters in documents dating from the 1700s. Thank you for the chance to enter your fabulous giveaway.
I would love to win your beautiful vintage ledger paper Rhonda! Please put my name in the at for a chance in your giveaway drawing.
I'm having a giveaway too at :-
You betchya I'd like some old ledger pages!!
Happy OWOH to you--stop by for a little visit if you get the chance, I'm playing along, as well!
trishatoo at hotmail dot com
I new to the whole mixed media thing, but I am getting hooked fast! I hope you can stop by my blog at #331 and enter my giveaway, too!
Hi Rhonda. It is so very nice to meet you. You certainly have a wonderful place here :) How does one find these wonderful ledgers? In my travels I have never stumbled upon one. I think it is awesome that you have a few of them. I would love a chance to win a few of these vintage ledger pages.
Please stop on by my blog for a visit... I would love to see you there. I am #78 on the list.
What gorgeous pages! I think I'd have to copy them, the idea of cutting them up makes me cringe, please enter me and if you havent stopped by yet #65
What a wonderful giveaway - what beautiful ledgers. I was so close to getting none - my mother used it as her recipe book for many years, but when she moved countries she threw it away. I asked where it was and when she told me I could have cried - it was so lovely - well the cover was brown leather, but inside the writing was gorgeous - I think it was one of her brother's or a family member that kept it for their business.
Hello from Iowa, it's nice to visit with you again Rhonda, it's been awhile! I'd love a chance to win your fantastic drawing and if you get a chance stop by and enter mine.
what a wonderful idea !!! please enter me in !!
thanks for following my blog, I am happy to follow yours, your addiction to the Eiffel Tower is so funny ! will try to send you stuff about it !
Where do you find such great ledgers?
I'm #530
OH my goodness! Your door prize is wonderful!
I’d love to be a lucky winner!
Oxana from Moldova
fancyscrap at gmail.com
I'd love the chance to incorporate these historical and beautiful snippets of yesteryear into my art!
Thanks for the chance :)
Cameron #83
What a lovely idea! I could see using paper such as that in my jewelry.
your blog is so interesting and your ledger page offerings so wonderful!
please come visit my blog #30 on the list!
warm hugs & blessings from Montana!
Wow, what a priceless treasure! I don't have any ledgers, but I do have some old autograph books and love the writing for the time period. We have pretty much gotten sloppy over the years. Everything is shortened. Love your studio too, What an awesome space you have! #220 Wanda
needlewings (at ) mac (dot) com
Hello,it's nice to meet you and your blog, count me in!
Thank you for for offering this beautiful gift and thank you for the chance to win. Your hard work really shows!
I love ledgers, your collection is wonderful. So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy the rest of OWOH. Kim (No. 724)
Wow what a lovely giveaway! Please add me to the list !Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Hi Rhonda! What a great collection of old ledger books! I agree, they are so interesting. The hand writing alone is priceless.
cathyguitarteacher-77 at yahoo.com
This is a treasure trove worth its' weight in GOLD. What a prize. Please put my name in for a chance to win this fabby stash. Thanks, Norma (95)
THese are so fun.
chocolate and croissants at yahoo .com
Please stop by California.
beautiful ledger papers! great giveaway prize! please enter me in your giveaway and come enter mine!
Beautiful penmanship is such a lost art.
binafan at hotmail dot com
Hi Rhonda, what an exciting giveaway! I can quite understand your love for these old ledgers, beautiful, interesting and tangible.
I hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.
Sherry from England, UK
Wow-what a fun thing to collage with.
Please put my name in your hat and come over to my blog #348 and toss your name in my hat if you wish. Thanks and good luck!
A priceless gift for sure.
OWOH hugs.
Carol H.
Hi Rhonda, Didn't realize you had a giveaway.. when I stumbled onto your blog...and tripped and fell!... in... love with your old ledgers!....love old books! thanks for the chance to win!
Melanie ;)
Okay -- you were right -- I do love your ledger pages giveaway! I adore ledger pages! Thank you for the chance to win them -- and thanks, too, for visiting my blog and entering mine! I will be back to see you again!
Love history! Count me in on the lovely giveaway.If I should be the lucky winner just email me through my blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy
It will be great using these pages in my collages. Thank you.
i scour for vintage ledger too!!! They are getting hard to find. Please count me in, I'd love to see what you have. I can be reached at beenebag(at)yahoo(dot)com
take care
wow, those antique ledgers are really awesome. Happy Owoh!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Thanks for inviting me over. I will definately be back.
You have a very warm and inviting blog. I really enjoyed the visit. Like you, I love ledgers. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit me, if you haven't already. I'm number 11 and my information is on my profile page.
Hello from Canada, Rhondamum. I love the Eiffel tower cursor, not sure how you do that, but it's neat!
I would love to have you stop by and visit, if you haven't already-
http://wishiniknewhowtoblog.blogspot.com/. thanks for the opportunity to win!
hondamum! Your blog is really interesting and I love the Eiffel Tower cursor-not sure how you do that!
Wow!!!! Vintage Ledger Pages, this is truly a unique giveaway. Please count me in. It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819 mustlovepaint.blogspot.com
Greetings from western North Carolina.
You have an awesome blog and giveaway. I am having such fun checking out all of the OWOH participant's blogs.
Hello from NY. I am loving your collection! Thank you for adding my name to your giveaway.
Gorgeous collection of antique ledgers! I have yet to stumble upon one myself. I love the way they took such care with their penmanship. I must admit that my own penmanship is just terrible. I stick with typing.
Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. I hope you get a chance to pop by my blog, #51, on your journey.
hugs from ON, Canada
Your ledgers are so awesome looking. They must be so interesting to read through!!
Thanks for the chance at your doorprize!
Stop by my giveaway as well.
... this is ** ledger-riffic** such a funtastic give-a-way.. thanks for the opportunity... mitz_zee@yahoodotcom
Hello! I'm so glad I found One World One Heart and was able to visit your blog! I'm pretty new to the blogging world and I love seeing the different ways of blogging. I hope you will check out my blog and maybe find something useful there. I'd love to be entered for your door prize, thanks for adding my name to the list!
I think these are very fascinating too Rhonda and the handwriting is so delightful. Thank you for sharing them with us. Please add me to your giveaway and come over and visit me too. I am No. 229 on the list.
hello! i would be delighted to win your giveaway! those ledger papers look wonderful! if you haven't yet, i hope you can drop by my blog at
http://peggyapl.blogspot.com/ (#544) and join my OWOH giveaway. blessings from peggyapl(at)gmail.com!
Oh my gosh, wherever did you find all those fabulous ledgers? (I'm jealous!) I love art using ledger paper too....not sure what the attraction is....maybe the curiosity about the people/activities listed. Your studio is beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.
What an amazing GIFT...hope I get one! Please come see my gift too...
Deirdra Doan blog
I can tell that you treasure these ledge books. They definitely are worth alot. What avery special giveaway you have.
Please include me in your drawing.
Come visit me at
Thanks Teri-abella4@att.net
thanks for being a part of OWOH so that we could find you! i'm enjoying your blog and look forward to spending a lot more time here!
thanks, too, for a chance at winning your wonderful prize! i am so in awe of your wonderful collection of vintage ledgers! i can already think of a thousand things to do with those pages, should i win them!
i hope you will have a chance to stop by my blog and enter my give away, too!
joe in montana
How wonderful that you are willing to share something you love so much.... I adore this giveaway. Please enter my name too.
Warm blessings,
Oh!!!Wonderful collection!!!
Greetings from Spain!!!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
Greetings from Ipswich, MA
I'm glad to meet you. I'm #509
I'm a jewelry artist, watercolor painter, and over all creative adventurer! And...I'd be honored to have you follow my blog!
Please enter me into the OWOH drawing. Thanks!
I hope you get to visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come any time to chat.
email: Lamore225@gmail.com
Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L
Hi there,
I am fascinated by handwritings, so your prize is right up my alley. Thanks for the chance to win something so unique!
Greetings from Germany,
# 66
I love vintage ephemera too, add me to your hopefuls. Love this OWOH meet and greet. Come for a visit www.beckoningoflife.blogspot.com Leslie
you know I don't think I've seen inside a ledger before and as I read through your post I was wondering what you found beautiful about them - thank you for opening my eyes to them. I'd love to be entered into your drawing - please feel welcome to drop by mine too if you have time.
Hi, it's wonderful to meet you through this lovely event. I'd love for my name to be entered into your giveaway. Thank you in advance and have a wonderful day. :-) I'm off now to look at more of your blog!
Thank you for the chance to enter your lovely giveaway!
OMG, I love those old ledgers! I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed :)
Hi Rhonda, I would love to win your beautifully handcrafted ledger art project. How sweet! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.
Hello from Cody, Wyoming, USA. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting to know a bit about you.
Isn't this OWOH event so fun!
I love your ledgers! How awesome! Please enter me in your drawing. ( stampgram AT yahoo DOT com }
If you haven't done so yet, please stop by and enter these giveaways too.
# 385 http://stampgram.blogspot.com
# 132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home
Oh my goodness! I actually stopped breathing for a moment! I adore ledgers and yours are stunning. I would be so happy to be included.
Beautiful blog and banner too - I am looking forward to more as I am now a follower ;) Kristin xo
Hey Rhonda, It's lovely to meet you via OWOH. Ohhh...what a great giveaway. Ledgers are hard for me to find, so I'd be delighted with a few pages. Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH #598
Greetings from the Philippines! Would love to win some ledger paper- although I'd probably hem and haw about using it! Patsy.paterno (at) gmail.com from
These ledger papers are a wonderful giveaway...Please enter me into your draw! So nice to meet you here through OWOH! I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog , too:-)
Dear Rhonda, I hope that you are recovering well from your surgery. I know that is no fun and can put a bit of a damper on the creative spirit! I do hope by now that you have fully recovered!
I also LOVE old ledgers! The handwriting in them is always so beautiful. It is very difficult for me to find them, so imagine how much I would love to win a few of your ledger pages! I am already dreaming of all the ways I would use them! :-)
Your blog is just beautiful, and I've enjoyed visiting so much, that I've become your latest follower so that I can visit with you again. Hope you'll pop over and visit my blog when you have a few minutes.
Thank you so much for the chance to win something so wonderful! I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!
All good wishes,
They are beautiful and so fscinating - what sort of places do you find them? The school one must be such interesting - all those women and the questions they had to answer - I wonder if they thought them odd or intrusive at the time.
Thank you for the chance to win your fabulous giveaway. Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post too :)
OWOH #365
I love using ledger pages in my art! It must be so hard to part with some -- they look so beautiful all together :)
Please enter me into your draw-- thank you so much!
~martha (#384)
(from Toronto :)
So BEAUTIFUL! Please count me in!
Oh, what a dream it would be to own pages like that! I can't even imagine owning the actual ledgers! You are a very lucky woman!! I believe I am experiencing a serious case of lust here! ;p Thank you for your generous giveaway. I do hope you are enjoying your OWOH journey. Beka from California secondhandbeka@yahoo.com
I love vintage ledger pages!! Thank you for including me in this wonderful giveaway!
http://itaya.blogspot.com AND
Hello from the NJ Shore! First a few things I'd like you to know...LOVE your work, I am an Alpha girl :) I am now a follower, and I own, nor do I know where to get any ledgers.
SOOOOO.....PLEASE include me in your drawing, and PLEASE come visit #209
Thanks, Susan
(Pieces of Fate)
This is an absolute favorite thing I've seen! I so hope I win. I'm a writer and I cannot imagine what inspiration I would find with these and what they would lead to.
I am completely taken by these and I love to have found your blog. Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
I'm going to become a follower right after I finish this note to you!
And Greetings from the Northwest where I am sliding in at the last moment to say yes, please include me as well!
I'm a writer/author/editor who blogs at Book of Kells: www.ofkells.blogspot.com
thanks so much for offering this! I'd love to win! And so hope I do. it would be loved in my hands.
all best and wishing you all good things,
And thank you for offering such a wonderful prize!
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