I was finally able to get some pictures loaded! Big sigh of relief! I hope that you enjoy them!
Have to have the light switch plate!
Baker's rack in my kitchen.
Top of entertainment center.
The mantle. I love this banner that I made.
My mom made this aged piece for me. I cried when I unwrapped it because it was just so thoughtful.
I love this little board that I found at one of my favorite local shops. I had to make it "french" and it was easy with the movable letters.
I hope you enjoyed your visit. Next I will be posting my collection of vintage french books. I would also like to announce the winner from the first day of my event. I have decided to make all of those who posted a link a winner. I am so happy to have had so many of you participate and share. It might take some time, but please email me your addresses so I can pop a little treat in the mail for you. Have a wonderful night and I hope to visit with you all again soon!
I love today's offerings! That paper lamp shade is FAB - I want one! And I have the Eiffel Tower confetti - but I"ve never seen these other goods! Where ever did you find them?! And your 3-D tower stamp is wonderful!
I like what you did with your Character Constructions stamps. I have one (a different set) and they are so small I've never even opened up the package to try stamping them! You've inspired me to give it a shot!
Thanks for sharing all your goodies - and these two days have been fun! I look forward to seeing your books!
your eiffel tower collection is so interesting! i've not seen so many items... and i'm sure you'll have more in time to come. enjoy!
thanks for sharing about your collections.
oh, sweet Rhonda!!! your 2 French Event Days have been soooo magnificent!!! WOWOWOWOW!!! i really ADORED seeing your beautiful French collections. i'm totally IMPRESSED that you are a GENUINE lover of ALL things FRENCH!!! you truly are my 'FRENCH SISTER'!!! it was also fun visiting other French lovers' sweet collections and finding new kindred spirits. i've been having camera + scheduling issues (been out of town the last few days) but was wondering if i could still post some of my French loves by the end of this week?! i don't have as much as you do but my LOVE for the FRENCH is wholeheartdly there with YOU! thank you so much for hosting this FANTABULOUS event and i can't wait to share my loves with you...also discover more beautiful+creative French lovers too! je t'aime my sweet 'French Sister'!!! (ps been keeping you and your family in my prayers...hoping your dear husband is doing well...will continue to keep you all in my thoughts+prayers!) xoxo jo ;)
I love it ALLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried to fit all of mine into one post today---but recv'd french inspired giveaways in the mail and wanted to feature them right away. I decided to keep posting My love of all things French all week. I just couldn't do it all in one day. Thanks for being such a great hostess. I love everything---especially the rubber stamps!!!!!!! I can't wait to see your books.
Rhonda, WHERE CAN I GET AN EIFFEL LANTERN?? I absolutely NEED one for my office! :) (See todays post!)
And I cant wait to see your vintage books! I collect antique and vintage books too!!! I will have to take some pics this weekend to share too!! Hooray!
It's official.
No one loves the Eiffel Tower more than you!
I've left a link to my 2nd offering on Mr Linky.
Rhonda - you really have an amazing collection - mine suddenly grew this morning when my daughter presented me with a jigsaw puzzle of the Eiffel tower - a souvenir from her trip to Paris. I immediately thought of you (but it's still mine!!!)lol
I think you need to grow an ivy topiary in your garden...unless you HAVE that too!!!! What a magnifique collection!!!
Such a beautiful collection. I adored looking at every photo and description you posted. I had planned on participating but was unexpectedly unable to blog for 3 days. Well, that will give me more time to amass a bigger collection for next time. I do hope you have another French event in the future...to show us more of your by then newly aquired items :-)
bonjour, sweet rhonda! finally took care of some camera issues and feeling a bit better (lil' munchkins and i were sick most of the week...) i've added my link about my French loves with 'mr. linky' nothing in comparison to your amazing collection...but again, my heart is with you with your love of the French... here is my link again...
http://labouroflovex3.blogspot.com/2009/02/she-dreamt-of-parisrhondamums-for-love.html ...
thank you so much for hosting such a wonderful event! xoxo jo ;)
wow thats a lot of eiffel towers!! here is where you can find your spoon...
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