First, I just have to say Happy Anniversary to my amazing husband. The story of how we came to be is truly amazing, a beautiful story, and one that can be shared for generations to come. No words could ever say how deeply in love I am with you, my best friend, soul mate and incredible father to our children. You amaze me every single day, are so wonderful and supportive and our "cord" will always be connected tightly. I thank God every day for blessing me with you, and for bringing you back to me. It is so wonderful to have a man that loves me the way you do and I know it with all of my being. Happy Anniversary Goon Ball, and here is to many, many more years and an eternity to come.
On another note, I know you are all wanting to know exactly who the two winners are of my anniversary giveaway. I have received so many messages of love and support, am so happy that so many people clicked on the link to help give free mammograms, and blessed that so many have prayed for my mother at this time and sent her so much support. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for that from us both. Be sure to click on the links at the top right of my blog, to support the cause so many suffer from. Breast cancer effects us all, and early detection is the only way to survive.
So, on to those winners... I had my oldest pick the lucky numbers for me and here they are...
Winner number one who will receive this issue of Artful Blogging and some wonderful stamps is...
Carolyn from Magpie Pixie. Now how cool is that? I am thrilled to be passing these on to such an amazing gal and was so surprised when your number was picked! Carolyn has an amazing shop as well and is currently selling a fantastic collage sheet that helps in the support of breast cancer.
And the winner of the next set of gifts below, a copy of Home and more lovely stamps is...
JoAnn from My Little Cottage In the Making. Her blog is fantastic and you will be inspired for sure if you check her out.
Thank you again to all that visited, entered, and left me lovely messages. May God bless you all and I hope that you will visit me again soon!
So, now I am off to get ready for my anniversary date with my amazing husband. We've been married for seven, but have known each other for almost twenty one. Wow! I look forward to growing old with my soul mate. I'm so blessed!
Happiest of anniversaries to you and your husband Rhonda...and here is to many, many more years together.
Congratulations to your winners....and Carolyn? I think you must have found your own "lucky troll"!!! lol!!
Love the new banner and the background Rhonda...tres you!!!
Whoo Hoo Rhonda - my dear friend !!
i can`t believe i won !! Hee !
i`m gonna love flicking through the artful blogging magazine !! Yeah !! Can you tell i`m so happy !! ?
And congrats to Jo Ann too !!
Thanks you so much !
(muah )
i`ll email you later - about our party !!
Oops - i forgot to say -
i hope you had a wonderful anniversary day with your Chuck!!
Another one of those great people who you share your life with - and have many more happy years together !
Oh how fun! I can't believe I won! Thank you so much! I'll email my address to you.
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