Every time I thought I heard the mailman, my heart lept. Where on earth was he? Ends up, he came and I didn't even know it, and when I went down to the road to move my car into my driveway, I saw a box by my mailbox. I gasped and said, "Why did he leave my package here and not up on the porch?" As I walked up the driveway, I made the sign of the cross over the box several times to "bless" them.
I ran to my porch and eagerly opened my package. As I opened the box, I had my little "chat" and told them they were welcome in my home, but that it was a home of God and that they were not aloud to scare anyone. I didn't want to hear voices in the middle of the night because that would freak me out and they were especially not aloud to scare my "real" girls. If my neighbors were watching, they would have thought I was crazy.
As I unwrapped each doll, I realized just how much more beautiful they were in person. When I had them all out, I called my "real girls" out to the front porch. Now this is where it gets kind of odd. Usually, my "real girls" don't get into my dolls too much, but they were so magnatized to these three. We ended up with one doll each, sitting on the swing, enjoying our new friends. Next thing I know, my youngest says, "This ones name is Honey Bell". Here is a doll, with no eyes, and she is loving it and calling it Honey Bell. Not a name I would think she would say, with the "Bell" on the end. Next, my oldest says, "And this one's name is Amber". I agreed and then asked about the final doll. My oldest wanted to name it after herself, and then a friend. I said, "No, let's give her a name of her own. What do you think she wants to be called?" They both silently studied the doll and then my oldest said, "Dorthy". Not a common name either. But it fit and we all enjoyed the dolls a bit longer before bringing them inside.
Our first night, I was a little creeped out. I reminded the "girls" not to disturb us during the night and we covered them in a blanket that was mine as a child and things seemed fine. I said a little prayer and told them to be at peace and "go to the light" if they hadn't already.
It's been a great time thus far, and hopefully will continue to be. Since they've arrived, the girls have given them clothes and toys and they just have this sweet aura about them (knock on wood). They feel good when you hold them. I do seem to bless them often and tell them to be at peace and go to the light. Hopefully if there was a little spirit attached to these dolls, it has found peace. I still need to find a good spot for them in my studio, and do often look to see if they are still as I left them (feet crossed, same tilt). I know, it's just a crazy story, isn't it?
Peace be with you....
"And also with you!"
What a great story, the girls are just beautiful and you are so lucky! Thanks for turning me on to that show, I've watched it and it is very creepy how old things still have vibes attached to them.
I'll be very aware of that in the future..good luck with your girls...:).
Ohhhh I so want to share your joy, but sadly all the hairs are up on the back of my neck and all I can think of is where is big brother "Chucky"
Yikes I could not handle those in my home.
I was even terrified about 20 years ago when they came out with the crying/talking doll that said mommy. My niece had one and I would make my SIL put it away every time I came over. Funny eh?
They look happy in your home. Maybe they were able to put their terrifying life of being played by naughty little girls with even naughtier brothers, in the past and know they can sit sweetly and enjoy the love they are being given. They are so great!
and also with you...
I am so excited to see your post. See what one day off the computer does?
You are right, they are so precious. You did the right thing by blessing them. I laughed reading your post and then I got chills...I just love a good story like these.
xo Rhonda
Oops - I forgot to ask what channel that show is on? Bravo, TLC, History Channel.....?????
Okay Rhondamom! I have chills and goosebumps after reading your story!!! I think old dolls are lovely. Funny how as kids what we thought was creepy is now darling! The show is on Friday nights on the ScyFy channel. I can't watch it!!! Have a great weekend! Jody
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