I'm in a funk at the moment. My husband has another test tomorrow on his foot/leg, my oldest has a test with a language specialist this week before we meet with the doctor to discuss her ADHD, my Mom is worried about her current swelling and that her cancer may come back and I am very depressed. Ok, maybe too much info, but for those of you that really know me, I'm sure that you have noticed that I have not been myself lately. I've been having bloggers writer's block, haven't been as active with my art groups and haven't visited my favorite friends/blogs enough. I know things could always be worse. There are people in the world living through absolute horror, and I know my life's problems are nothing compared to theirs. I thank God for all of the wonderful in my life. I'm just in a funk. It will pass, I will be the old Rhonda one of these days, but until then I am so glad that I have my art and my deadlines. It is my escape and a way to clear my head. I enjoy it as well though and it brings me happiness.
So now that I have gotten all of that off of my chest, this is the cover of my Marie Antoinette round robin book that I am doing. I will show you inside as soon as I find the folder that my dh put the pictures in - lol. There are, I think, ten of us doing this swap. We do two pages in each book and I just finished my second book (including my own). We have a long way to go, but I know it will be an amazing trip.
I love using vintage jewelry on my work. It just makes it so much more appealing to the eye. I really need to share more pics of the travel round robin I am doing with some of my beautiful friends (Val, Priscilla, Maria, and Nancy). We did another book as well with a Valentine theme that was amazing. I am blessed to work with these fabulous gals again and to have the wonderful Nancy joining us. So, more to come soon. Please keep my family in your prayers and have a fantastic week! May you not get into a funk! xoxo
Hang in there.
Art is my consolation too. Your Marie Antoinette piece is beautiful. I especially love the vintage jewelery. It adds such lovely sparkle. MA probably would have loved that pin too - if it was real!
My dear Rhonda,
I know how overwhelming life can be. Please know that at some point there will be a lighter day in your future. Between losing family, losing my job and my Mom's constant illness I often thought...this is it. God is really starting to tick me off. But whether you believe in God or not, just believe in a better day and never lose hope. Being the anchor for your family isn't easy but you can do it.
If I can ever do anything for you, I gladly will.
Best wishes and high hopes to you -never lose hope.
Rhonda..you're never alone in your journey of life, God is always there for you & your family & friends - it might seem overwhelming now, but it will definitely lessen in time...its you're little detour for now, but don't fret let God be your GPS/Navigator....Grace, Peace & Joy 2 "U" Marlene :O)
Oops! I forgot to say I just love your cover on the book and I love your NEW page design on your blog...Sweet dreams - Marlene (O:
Hang in there sweetheart, things will look up, just count the blessings you have in life and take each day as it comes, not look to the past or future, just the here and now
Hey Rhonda cheer up you know the saying the best is yet to be !
That cover is scrumdiddliumptious (my word of the moment)Worrying wont change a thing so you just keep creating like ii do.Making pretty things has seen me through some dreadfull times.When life hands you lemons make lemonade and while you are at it make it pink lol
You are in my thoughts. Hope all works out with your family and yourself. Keep your head up, and this too shall pass!
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