I hope that all of you are having a great week. I am still anxiously trying to find a copy of the new Somerset Marie issue. I can't find it anywhere. Good thing that you can learn all sorts of wonderful things about the real Marie Antoinette at CupidsCharm. She has done a wonderful job sharing all sorts of great info and pictures and will be doing so all week. If you love Marie, then pay her a visit!
Speaking of magazines, I also received my order of copies of the new Stamper's Sampler. I am thrilled and proud to be published in this edition. It is a dream come true and I will be sharing more about that on another day.
I am way behind on my blog and posting pictures of all of the wonderful things I have been up to. This has been a bad week though. I am very stressed and have had migraines, pretty much, every day. I found out on Monday that my oldest does have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and I am really crushed over this. The Dr. told me that because she also has Apraxia of speech it might be good to put her on medication. I think I shocked him as I began to ball my eyes out. It just isn't an option for me. I don't want to put any type of crap in her body and change who she is. I really think her father and I are the same way and it is just something you have to learn to deal with.
Of course I am going to research more, but as a former teacher and one who did a focus study on student's with ADHD while I was getting my Masters, it is just so freakin' weird that all of this is happening to me. The school system sucks (excuse the term) and I can't believe that more Americans don't see it. I know the teachers do. I cried my eyes out to my parents and said, "I guess that is why God made me a teacher, so I can teach my own child". I used to have such an attitude about the whole home schooling thing, but it might just be the best choice for my bright little eager learner who isn't getting what she currently needs in the classroom. I know God will take care of us, but I still worry.
So, sorry for all of the personal info. If you know of anyone with ADHD or know some about any of these topics I would be happy to hear from you. For the moment, my blog has gone back to a source of "therapy" by "getting it all out". I wanted my followers to know what is up because I don't want to loose any of you.
Rhonda---follow and listen to your heart, like you are already. As long as you follow how you feel--everything will be just fine. Doctors can make you feel terrible if you do not follow their advice----but, you know your child best. I think it is difficult to home school your child, but that doesn't mean you can't do something in addition to school to help......creating alone is great therapy. I always had to make sure my children got enough rest--I found if they didn't it was a nightmare. Most of all your child is no different than they were before Monday---the doctor's diagnosis does not change anything---hopefully it will just be a guide to help the whole family along the way.
Hey R...
Did you not get my email ??
Or have you changed your provider yet and have the same email addy ?
Just thouhg ti`d put a message on here so you know .
Have you got your robin drawing yet too ?
Sorry you`re having those migraines yet again my friend and i think she`s too young to have meds for her ADHD - for now . It`s a time when she`s still devloping and wanting to learn things - the meds may affect her this way - so you both go with your hearts and i pray that you can find the help you need to manage it .
I can`t wait to see your photos of you in a Stampers sampler ! You must be still on a high over this fab news !
Take care and have a good weekend !
Love ya loads !
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