I am absolutely thrilled to have my first post of 2009 be in honor of Carolyn, my BBFF from Magpie-Pixie. Today is her birthday! Happy Birthday Carolyn! I am so excited to be joining you for your second annual red carpet event! Let the festivities begin!!!!!!
First, are these lovely flowers that came from a special someone. Okay, maybe not special... Caz will understand this little story, it's kind of an inside joke. These flowers I was able to force, I mean, pick up, from a very mean old man. He made this lovely bouquet himself. In fact, I had to punch and kick him a few times, but he finally said that "Carolyn deserves the best!" He made these just for you, and until I punched that they were perfect, he had to keep going to get them just right. They also came with a huge bag of money. That was his idea, actually, as he begged and pleaded for me to stop kicking him with my high heels. He adds that he was blessed to know you and he wishes you an amazing birthday!

And of course, seeing how I went to one of the world's top bakers, and I found out that he could make this Eiffel tower cake, well, I had to get one for myself as well. But naturally I will share it with you Carolyn, my BBFF!

I know, I know, I am breath taking. Even after all of those Christmas sweets, I was able to loose those, few, oh, I don't know, 40 pounds or so, to look fabulous for your big day! And my shoes...

And this Leiber 45th Anniversary Jeweled Minaudiere is a perfect match with my shoes, don't cha think?
As many of you know, last year I brought Brandon Flowers along with me. He is the lead singer for my favorite band, The Killers. He's on tour right now, but sent his love to you Caz and a wonderful present as well. We are still very, very close. I mean, look at me. How could he not adore me, as I do him of course. I will see him again in a couple of weeks when I get to see my honey in concert. Woo Hoo!!!
This year, I had to find yet another "boy toy". He is my newest obsession and he just makes me swoon! It is none other then Edward Cullen from the movie Twilight, as well as the series of books. He is phenomenal, in more ways then one, if you get my drift!

And I can't wait until he turns me into a vampire, along with Brandon of course. And then, we can all live happily for the next several hundred years.

Which brings me to my first gift for Caz. The two of us, being the BBFFs that we are, have always shared our older "boy toy", John Taylor, from Duran Duran. But with each year, he ages a bit more. So, Edward has agreed to change John into a vampire as well as you, if you would like Caz. So, here is John before .....

The next gift is for Caz's art studio. I am going to re-decorate it in the newest yummies from her favorite, Laura Ashley. I just love this wall paper, and the shade of blue. It just made me think of her for some reason.

I also love this light fixture and some of the accents....

Some more lovelies to use, if you like...

And of course, just like our beautiful selves, we have to accessories everything, right down to the last drawer pull.

So, because you have been an extra special friend this year, always there for me, and oh so thoughtful, I got you an extra special gift. And I just know you will share it with me too. Check out the amazing home that I just purchased for you in Tuscany. Isn't it divine?

Here are a few details about it, "Gorgeous historic and frescoed villa dated back to the 1600, completely restored, situated in the top of a hill, in a small and ancient hamlet, at just 30 km far from the coast, and reachable by a suggestive alley of cypresses. The villa, on three levels, comprising about 1,000 sq.mt., features frescoed halls, stairs and rooms, recently restored with care. At the ground floor a wide entrance foyer of 65 sq.mt., six rooms, one large master bedroom, and so much more."

Imagine the parties that we will be having here Carolyn!

And last but not least......

A big, wet, birthday kiss from my dog, Ohm. He just loves you so much and wanted me to say, "Ruff, ruff. Ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff, ruff". And ditto that from me!
A big, wet, birthday kiss from my dog, Ohm. He just loves you so much and wanted me to say, "Ruff, ruff. Ruff ruff ruff, ruff ruff, ruff". And ditto that from me!
I hope that you have a fantastic birthday Carolyn and that this new year brings you all of the joy and happiness that you deserve. I look forward to us sharing many, many more together.
I am sorry to say that I don't have your gift in the mail yet. I am still getting it together, and I am running behind because I have been sick, along with everyone else in my home. I don't know what is going around, but doctor's appointments have been very hard to come by. Lucky for me I had some antibiotics that I had not used yet that did the trick. Any who, I will let you know as soon as I have shipped it over the pond.
Have a wonderful day, and thanks for hosting yet another fabulous red carpet event!
Love you!
Happy Birthday!
Hey Rhonda! So nice to see you again at Carolyn's gala. Your dress is gorgeous and you bag is especially chic. I must get out on the dance floor...Kevin is waiting...but let's get together afterward.
Hey my BBFF !
good to see you post something - i thought that you were suffering from migraines again.
But you`re here for my party ! So lets get this off with a bang !!
OMG ! I`m laughing at your photo`s !! yes you have lost some weight ! But you look stunning !!
And i guessed your date for today too !!
Ok - John looks even better blinged he was lacking a little in the stamina department !
I love the Laura Ashley wallpaper too - it`s gorgeous !! We`d have fun choosing the scheme together .
Of course we`d have to spend time in my Tuscany home - to relax after today ... then throw another party to celebrate the new home !
It is divine - all that history and decor !
Big kiss back to Ohm ;o)
Come on over as soon as you can - i`ll be waiting with my dates and clink a glass of champers with you .
Oh my! I want to be your BFF! Lovely, extravagant gifts! You do look divine too!! Hope it's a day to remember!
Well hello Rhonda my dear...you do look magnificent as always! I'm so sorry I didn't see you come in, I was busy ogling, I mean admiring all the men in their lovely tuxedos! hehe Your dress is so you...isn't it amazing how fast we can lose weight when the need arises?? I think I lost about 50lbs in 2 days! lol
Your date certainly is handsome and how wonderful that he can keep you young for all time!! As for the home you bought for our dear birthday girl, oh my, it's magnificent! What fun she will have decorating it...we should all meet up there and help her out:-)
Ooooh, there's Brad & Angie waving me over...must go to say hi to them...ta ta for now darling!! xoxo
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